Doç. Dr. Barış Ekici

Assoc. Dr. Baris Ekici

Pediatric Neurology Spec

What is Child Neurology?

Pediatric Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with children's brain, nerve, muscle and developmental diseases.

Assoc. Dr. Baris Ekici

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What is Child Neurology?

Pediatric Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with children’s brain, nerve, muscle and developmental diseases. It is also known as Pediatric Neurology or Developmental Neurology. Pediatric neurologists have the right to work in the field of child neurology after completing their specialization in child health and diseases. As pediatricians, years spent witnessing the normal development of healthy children allow us to recognize neurological diseases in children earlier. Unlike adults, pediatric neurology deals with diseases of the developing organs, namely the young brain, young nerves and muscles. Again, unlike adults, if the diseases of the nervous system can be recognized early, children can often overcome these diseases.

In fact, every condition that falls under the field of pediatric neurology is not pathological, that is, a disease. By following up children with mild developmental delays, for example walking late, speaking late, pediatric neurologists decide that these are benign delays. In pediatric neurology, developmental tests, EEG, cranial ultrasound and MR are used as auxiliary tests besides examination. If you are concerned about early detection of delays, pauses or epileptic seizures in children’s sensitive developmental period, you should consult a pediatric neurologist without delay.

Take Action instead of Worrying.

Hope to see you in healthy days.

Assoc. Dr. Barış Ekici, Child Neurology Specialist

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